Photos by me, art direction by Erelle, styling by Melina kutelis, makeup by bernadette krejci

A couple weeks ago I did a shoot with art direction by Erelle featuring two stunning girls from Wienermodels. All the colourful backdrop you see is spray-painted plants… I guess a moment of silence is appropriate for their shortened life-span after their 15-minutes of graffitied fame.


A darling baby coat who belongs to the place we’re staying at.

A stand-out from a crowd of over fifty deers.

Can you spot the cat?

Heyhey! As I wrote before, I’m away on retreat from the mountains right now. I haven’t had internet all day and practically died, so that’s pretty sad. But other than that, I’m perfectly content with my status amongst animals of all sorts right now! Above, you see the cutest cat ever that my sister and I found lurking by the waters. She came to me as soon as I gestured towards her. What a sweetie.