Let’s Get Visual

We visited this viennese art university a couple days ago, and some of the works there were really inspiring. These are some photos from that day – some are of the works by the students there, some are just random snapshots i made of interesting things (well, for me at least lol).

However, some of the “art”works there were really disgusting. One video installation was of two girls sticking their fingers down each others’ throats and making each other puke. Sorry, but how sick is that? Is that art? I want to hear some of your opinions!

This is the huge painting I’m currently working on. It’s all black and white atm (charcoal and white acrylic), but i’m going to start painting with oils next week. What does this piece so far remind you of?

Black light

I got this black wrap sweater (cardigan? cape? what’s it called really?) recently, and i haven’t been able to stop wearing it! It’s so comfy, warm, handy and matches to anything. I can’t believe I only got a piece like this now! I rarely wear black, my preferences usually being graphic t-shirts with over-sized cardigans and skinny jeans. So when i wore the MIB look, i felt more mature haha! I’m so in love with my Docs. They seriously fit to all outfits. I can’t wait until it’s summer so i can pair it with shorts and miniskirts!

These pictures are from yesterday at my friend’s house. The plan was to rent 500 Days of Summer, but the renting place didn’t have it, so we opted for a retarded-looking movie, Year One, starring Jack Black and Michael Cera. It was the weirdest and worst movie ever. Seriously, don’t watch it. To make up for that, we played guitar hero, making fun of all the song names (what kind of song name is “John the Fisherman”?) Have a lovely weekend, awesome people!